Creative Europe funding guide published: €170 million available in 2014

Cultural and creative organisations wishing to bid for funding in 2014 through Creative Europe, the European Union’s new programme for the cultural and creative sectors, can start to prepare their grant applications from today. They will find the first details of funding opportunities (‘calls for proposals’) here. To help prepare their application, the new Creative […]

EU Citizens’ Dialogue

It is now your turn to speak up! Take part in the upcoming EU Citizens’ Dialogue with Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. The debate will be held at the Carob Mill in Limassol on 28 November 2013 at 17.30. Please note that there will be simultaneous interpretation in English, Greek […]

WP2014-15 Web Entrepreneurs Challenge

This objective calls for projects to create an environment in Europe that encourages more web entrepreneurs to start a business in Europe and scale it up. The focus of this topic is on entrepreneurs who use web and mobile technologies as main components in their innovation with a positive impact across the continuum of actors […]


One of the core ideas of the event is to encourage young participants to actively participate in the EYE programme and its delivery as much as possible. There are three ways to actively participate in the EYE 2014: 1. Register for, take part and engage in political debates, workshops and other activities (in English, French […]