2,450 Fully Funded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2020 2021

Keep calm and now ready for 2,450 Fully Funded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2020 2021. The Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for International Students to Study in three Different Universities in three different countries from the European Union. Erasmus is a Fully Funded all Expenses covered Prestigious Scholarship Program https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/emjmd-catalogue_en

Photo contest “Larnaca, the gateway to Europe

The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus and Europe Direct Information Centre in Larnaca, are organizing a photo contest entitled “Larnaca, the gateway to Europe”. Send your favourite photo, highlighting an EU co-financed project in Larnaca by 30/09/2020, 12:00 pm at [email protected] and five of you will win a Tablet APPLE iPad 7. All […]

OPEN CALL! A call for tenders has been published to support the cross-border circulation and digital distribution of performing arts works.

A new call, worth 2,5 million euros, has been published to support the cross-border circulation and digital distribution of performing arts works – theatre, dance, circus, street art -, to help the sector recover and regain its European dimension. 📆 Deadline: 31 July 2020 https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/content/european-commission-support-performing-arts-%E2%82%AC25-million-distribution_en?fbclid=IwAR1Du2aejmT3mEMWhREfdnQ1nLhEPaDWGQs4PBjvTkxOgIzOlIQoPVtrf4g

Tuition fees & Scholarship opportunities in Europe

Everything you always wanted to know about tuition fees and scholarships https://ec.europa.eu/education/study-in-europe/news-views/tuition-and-scholarships-in-europe_en?fbclid=IwAR00lYvEsYTxRWdWi6dyjDrfrti-S2rx7RvhGjB1j7tOePzNOZk8S6SD-WY

Spring 2020 Economic Forecast: A deep and uneven recession, an uncertain recovery

The coronavirus pandemic represents a major shock for the global and EU economies, with very severe socio-economic consequences. Despite the swift and comprehensive policy response at both EU and national level, the EU economy will experience a recession of historic proportions this year. The Spring 2020 Economic Forecast projects that the euro area economy will […]