Θέσεις εργασίας στον οργανισμό CEDEFOP ( European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)

    1. Head of Operational Area Cedefop/2014/01/AD

External notice of vacancy

Cedefop invites applications to draw up a list of suitable candidates for the position of Head of Operational Area, grade AD 10, M/F.

Applications must be submitted online through the following link:

Online application form and text of the vacancy notice

Deadline: 2 October 2014, at 15:00 Greek time (CET+1)


    1. Call for tenders: Provision of language training to Cedefop staff

The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude framework contracts for provision of language courses in English, Greek, French, German, Italian and Spanish with the objective to develop the language skills of staff.  This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2014/S 139-248679 of 23/07/14.

Deadline for submitting tenders: 30/09/2014 (17h00 for hand-delivered tenders).

For further information: www.cedefop.europa.eu