Entries by netinfo

Administrators: Generalists

Your commitment. Our 28 countries. Your EU Career. Our European Union. The EU institutions are looking for highly motivated and talented graduates with a strong academic background, two EU languages, exceptional cognitive ability, and outstanding organisational and interpersonal skills to be recruited as permanent staff. As a generalist, you will enjoy different challenges every day. […]

European University Institute

Professional Vacancies Ernst B. Haas Chair of Transnational Governance, Προθεσμία: 18 Μαρτίου Chair in Constitutional and/or Public Law, Προθεσμία : 23 Μαρτίου Research Assistant Positions Administrative Positions Secretary General of the European University Institute Προθεσμία : 31 Μαρτίου Teaching and Learning Skills Officer Προθεσμία: 7 Απριλίου Cataloguing and Metadata Librarian Προθεσμία: 23 Μαρτίου Chief Accountantt […]


Organisations wishing to apply for ‘Support to Literary translation projects’ are invited to submit applications online by Wednesday 4 February 2015, 12:00 noon (midday, Brussels time) to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/documents/guidelines-call-for-proposals-eacea-46-2014-literary-translation.pdf Eligible applicants Applicant organisations must be publishers or publishing houses active in the publishing sector. Proof of this […]

Assistants in the field of parliamentary work (m/f)

Applications are now open for Assistants in the field of parliamentary work (m/f). The deadline to apply is 12.00 (midday, Brussels time) on 13 January 2015. http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/eu-careers.info/2014/12/04/open-for-applications-epsoast13414

Launch of the 2015 European Charlemagne Youth Prize

The competition for next year’s European Charlemagne Youth Prize was launched on Tuesday, 2 December. Now in its eighth year, the prize is awarded to young people who have developed projects to foster understanding between people from different European countries. The deadline for submissions is 2 February 2015. The Charlemagne Youth Prize is organised jointly […]

Europe Direct Information Centre in Larnaca has a new home!

We would like to inform you that Europe Direct Information Centre in Larnaca has moved in the restored building of the former Ottoman Bank (Square King’s Paul & Zenon Kitieos no. 1, compared Pierides Museum and Pavilion CTO). For more information please contact on the phone number 24620993.

Job vacancies in the MED Joint Secretariat

The Region Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur recruits, in the framework of the implementation of the “MED” transnational cooperation programme for the period 2014-2020 within the “communication unit” of the MED Joint Secretariat: A Communication Officer A Junior Communication Officer The applications in English and French language have to be sent by 28th of November 2014. Download: Job […]

EMAS Awards 2015

Abstract: The EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) Awards aim to reward effective eco-innovations supporting improvements in environmental performance Type of communication tool: Environmental Award … Relevant for: EDIC, EDC Target group: Authorities, Companies and NGOs interested in EMAS Languages available: English Link(s): http://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/emasawards/ EMAS – The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme of DG Environment – has […]

160 PhD Grants

Ph.D. grants are available for nationals of most EU member states. These are EU member states that have signed the EUI Convention. A limited number of additional grants are available for non EU member states. http://www.eui.eu/ServicesAndAdmin/AcademicService/DoctoralProgramme/Index.aspx CONTACTS EUI Admissions Office Email: [email protected] Tel: + 39 055 4685 373