“Career opportunities at EU Institutions”

The School of Business and Management of UCLan Cyprus and Europe Direct Larnaca invite you to attend a webinar on “Career opportunities at EU Institutions” on Wednesday, 23rd of March 2:00-3:00pm. You may join the webinar by clicking on https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81578070968 Programme: 2:00-2:05 Welcome Speech by Ass. Prof. Antri Kanikli, Course Leader in English Language and […]

WORK POSITIONS IN THE EU: Administrators in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Are you an expert in the field of Information and Communication Technology, interested in pursuing an international career? The EU is looking for highly qualified administrators (AD 7/AD 8) in the ICT field. https://epso.europa.eu/content/administrators-information-and-communication-technology-ict_en

“What we want from the EU as a Civil Society”

EUROPE DIRECT Larnaca and UCLan Cyprus, invite you to an open discussion ”What we want from the EU as a Civil Society” Friday, 19 November 2021-11:00-13:00-at Amphitheatre 1 of UCLan Cyprus Registrations at [email protected] For more information, please contact EUROPE DIRECT Larnaca: tel.24620993 All health protocols will be followed. All participants must present a SafePass […]

WORK POSITIONS: Audiovisual and conference technicians

Open for application: 23/09/2021 Deadline: 26/10/2021 – 12:00(Brussels time) Location(s): Brussels (Belgium) Luxembourg (Luxembourg) https://epso.europa.eu/job-opportunities/competition/8685/description_en

Become an Ambassador4EUFuture!

Between April & May 2021 garagErasmus will recruit at least one Ambassador4EUfuture for each EU member state in collaboration with our wide range of stakeholders. Ambassadors4EUFuture will be all gathered in a 2-day online training session on the Conference on the Future of Europe given by garagErasmus, external experts and youth organisations. Officials and MEPs […]